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Thank you to The Orange County Register and Theresa Walker for this great story highlighting this annual fruit picking volunteer project, which provides fresh produce to South County Outreach.

Each year, local South County residents join together to pick hundreds of pounds of fresh fruit to donate to SCO, all from the backyards and trees of their homes or their neighbors. In the article, our CEO, LaVal Brewer also speaks on the necessity of having fresh produce available to food pantries, like South County Outreach.

Read the full article to learn more about this great effort by clicking HERE.

OCR Fruit Harvest-2021

Interested in hosting your own produce drive?

Do you or your neighbors have fruit trees in your homes? Do your trees often produce more fruit than you can harvest and often fall to the ground without being eaten? Hosting a food or produce drive is a fun, memorable way for you and your neighbors to make a difference together and help those who are food insecure in our community. Learn more about hosting your own food drive at


For more information, contact